Monday, April 6, 2009


Did you watch? We did! Did you scream at the TV? We did! Here's a recap and our take on the 2009 ACM Awards.

Well, on the plus side 6 out of our 9 predicted winners took home the trophy. Unfortunately, there were several of those predicted winners we didn't want to win. And, inexplicably, Julianne Hough robbed Jake Owen of the Best New Artist award! Never underestimate the voting power of reality TV-watchers.

The show opened with a weird multi-act performance, anchored by Brooks & Dunn singing "Play Something Country" and featuring Sugarland, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts. We're fans of most of these acts, but the truncated performances just didn't flow. It was also superfluous; except for B&D, all of the acts performed separately later in the show.

Some kudos for Carrie Underwood: Last night's performance of "I Told You So" was the best she has ever done that song. That's not saying a lot, but still, better than nothing. But, seriously, what was with that dress? Was it alive? Pretty sure it was once related to Jabba the Hutt. It moved of its own accord. It was bad.

Song of the Year went to Jamey Johnson, deservedly, but Album of the Year to Taylor Swift? Granted, categories like this are based mostly on number of units sold. But, the ACM changed the criteria in order to include Johnson's That Lonesome Song in the nominations. Seems like a shoe-in for a win, right? Alas, wrong. Song for song, Johnson's album far surpassed the quality of Swift's.

Swift did receive a Crystal Milestone Award for selling the most albums this year (not sure if they meant 2009 or in the year since last year's ACMs). For a 19-year-old girl, that's a hell of an achievement. Sugarland's Jennifer Nettles also grabbed herself a Crystal Milestone. Nettles is the first female songwriter on Song of the Year since 1972 for last year's "Stay." Totally deserved.

One of the lowest moments of the show: John Rich performing "Shuttin' Detroit Down." Of course, we wouldn't have recognized Rich if he hadn't been introduced beforehand. He was missing his massive, blinged-out wedding ring and his Muzik Mafia ring. He was also as dressed down as he's been since he was in Lonestar. A denim jacket? What, his fur coat was at the cleaners? Here's the problem: John Rich is one of those "fat cats" he is singing out against. His pared down appearance last night was his feeble attempt to relate to the "regular folk" that make up the majority of country music's fans. Sadly, there are people out there who believe John Rich is on their side. But, Rich just isn't believeable as a Joe Schmo and he isn't entertaining on his own. Bring back Big Kenny!

Near the end of the show, Trace Adkins and the Westpoint choir performed a moving song, "Til the Last Shot's Fired" in support of the Wounded Warrior Project. While it was a great performance, it wasn't as resosnant as Tim McGraw's live performance of "If You're Reading This." (BTW, McGraw was noticeably absent for last night's show after pulling out at the last minute over "major disagreements" with the producers. What's that about?)

Now, on to the disappointing finale. Carrie Underwood for Entertainer of the Year? WTF? Like we said, never underestimate the power of reality TV-watchers. However, our sources say that the fairly new fan-voted aspect of Entertainer of the Year was used as a ratings ploy. So, is it really a win if the whole thing was just a trick? The only plus side is that voters are relegated to one vote per computer.

On the whole, ACM 2009 was kind of disappointing. But Matthew McConaughey was funny. We want to see the boots, Matthew!


  1. To start with I'm a just a regular down to earth country girl who loves contry music, in each of your blog you clam to be a country fan writing for country fans am I right. To understand your blog I have to break out the dictonary. I graduated high school with a 4.0 + average and am in the middle of finishing college now, but come on if you are writing to common people you every day words that the entire popluation can understand.
    I'm not a record label exct. or anything, nor did I like the dress mrs. underwood wore, but she has a beautiful voice and can convay a song in a wonderful way. If you are going to discuss apperance why not touch on the fact that mrs. swifts makeup looked like at the end of the night she would have to use scraper to remove it or the lack of clothing she had on?
    While John Rich may not look to be as down to earth as some artists, the man has worked his way to the place he is if he wants to use his money to buy fur coats, cigars, cars, rings, and the like it's his money to buy these things with. He doesn't try to tell you that you can't buy pants, shirts, electronics, ect with the money you earn does he?? I was a lonestar fan long before lonestar took off and have followed johns career for a while now. If you talk to him he has not changed since his days with lonestar as a person. I don't hear you speaking out against Toby keiths music when he sings... is there a double standard here? He owns just as much stuff as john.
    I assume since Carrie underwood and John rich are not entaninters that's neither are people like George straight or alan jackson or even newer artist who are calm on stage like randy howser??? All of whom I have seen, and in my opion are all great entainers in their own right.
    To see a large man as Trace Adkins on stage willing to show respect enough to the tear up on and give respect to those men and wemon who have served our country and live with the horror of it every day to me was just as moving as Tim McGraw who also is getting to big for his britches if ask me.
    I do have to agree that the awards show was disappointing over all but had it's great moments.

  2. To Countryfan: If you have a 4.0 and etc., then you must make your teachers proud - Not! If you turn in papers with as many misspellings and incorrect grammar as your comment, then there is no way you have a 4.0. Also, most country fans know how to spell country, George Strait, Randy Houser, and that Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood are not married. Mrs. means married. Where are those big words you don't know? I'm in agreement that the ACM was a disappointment. I'm hoping next year is better.

  3. Wow...We love it when we get comments we can rip apart!

    Presumably, your ID is supposed to read "countryfan" not "courntyfan". If you graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA and needed a dictionary in order to read our post, your school either had very low standards or no English requirements. One or two typos is understandable, but your post is almost all typos. As for needing a dictionary, just wait until we start discussing antidisestablishmentarianism.

    We don't speak out about Toby Keith because he has not, as of yet, performed a song that can be compared to "Shuttin' Detroit Down." In fact, it is not even about the "stuff" anyone owns. Keith has never denied he is well off, but he has also never pretended to be anything he isn't. To us, Keith has never been anything but genuine, whereas John Rich screams fraud. We won't get into details about Rich here, because his scandals and ill behavior warrant an entry all their own.

    We also don't recall saying anything about Carrie Underwood not being an entertainer because she just "stands there." We don't feel Underwood is an entertainer because she is no longer talented. At one point, she did sing very nicely, but her voice leaves a lot to be desired these days, even with the personalized microphones she insists on always using.

    Also, it is not a matter of standing or moving on stage, it is a matter of connecting with an audience, which Underwood does not do. Any number of more professional concert/music reviewers have said the same thing. Alan Jackson and George Strait do create those connections. We've also seen Randy Houser perform and "calm" is not how we would describe him.

    Notice how all the artists' names are spelled correctly? That's the first step to being a true "courtnyfan."

  4. I really don’t normally post on here but this kinda got me :)

    First off leave the poor girl alone about the spelling I know how it feels to be bashed about it. Anyone who reads my posts know for god’s sake I can't spell worth a crap. And yes you can still graduate with a 4.0 and have a LD. I did!!! If you are diagnosed with a form of dyslexia MOST schools will work with you to help you make the best grades possible… every computer has spell check now which makes it A LOT easier… not all boards have it so it makes some what smart people sound not so smart. You can ask both the author of this blog and her sister. If I were not typing this on word pad first to spell check it it would be most likely MUCH worse that “courntyfan”s post.
    Not that I agree with too much s/he said other than the last two paragraphs about Trace and the awards being crap. I am not too sure that I like the idea of this whole fan voting – yes I did it, but when you really think about it all the reality TV viewers can do the same thing and they don’t have any idea what country music is about. Jake was really jipped… I honestly think I could have dealt with him loosing to ZBB better than to HER!!! I am wondering how in the world they got Carrie’s dress out on to the stage??? Did they use a fork lift??? I agree with someone in a fashion blog I read “with the amount of material that was in that dress and the money it took we could build a couple tents for refugee’s, or clothe a few hundred kids that didn’t have coats during the winter… Why would someone want to wear something THAT BIG ONCE!?!?!? I’m mostly in agreement with what GRITS said.
    One last thing I have to say in defense of “courntyfan” maybe her/his name is not meant to be what we all think it could be possible that it is an acronym for something I have a screen name on another site that is “rlbchick” when I made the account I was acting children’s ministry directory at my church and the kids had voted on “Hip in Christ Kids” as the name of their group so when I made the account the that would have been way too long so I did “rlbchick” and people were all the time asking me what a rlbc hick or what an rlc chick was… so in defense (I’m a sucker for the under dog) we don’t know what it was suppose to be.

  5. We don't bash bad spellers publicly very often. But, if you're going to brag about your GPA, your diploma, or your education in general, and then complain that we use words that are too big for you, when, really, they would be in any high school graduate's vocabulary, you open yourself up for a world of hurt. Also, as kris mentioned, there is a thing called spellcheck. It is your friend!
